• flaga UE

GREENUP - Polish Green Building Council new campaign

greenup, plgbc, kampania, gospodarka w obiegu zamkniętym, zmiany klimatu, bioróżnorodność, zdrowie,

The new GreenUP campaign of the Polish Green Building Council (PLGBC) presents the activities of the Council's members and their employees, related to the four pillars of the Association's strategy.

These are:

  1. closed loop economy,
  2. climate change,
  3. biodiversity
  4. health and quality of life. 

The campaign runs for 4 weeks, with each week dedicated to a different area:

Week 1 (7-11.03): activities related to the circular economy #PLGBCgreenUP #PLGBCcircular
Week 2 (14-18.03): biodiversity-related activities #PLGBCgreenUP #PLGBCbiodiversity
Week 3 (21-25.03): activities related to health and quality of life in buildings #PLGBCgreenUP #PLGBCwellbeing
Week 4 (28.03-1.04): activities related to climate change #PLGBCgreenUP #PLGBCclimatechange

Our green walls and furniture with built-in vertical gardens support health and quality of life in buildings. As a PLGBC member we communicate the Campaign on our social media and website. 

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